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Wall Niches and Shrines

Wall Niches - Wall Shrines - Recessed Wall Shelves

Decorative wall niches and wall shelves. Large wall Shrines that recess. That are great for the Mother Mary and large statues or sculptures. Unique mirrored wall Niches so you can see the back of your Sculpture.

Please note: most of our wall shelves and niches are flush mount and hang flat on the wall. If the product is called a shrine it will need a hole cut in the wall for the shrine to fit. If the word shrine is in the title of the product it will recess into the wall. All other products like shelves and niches do not need to be cut into the wall. They are flush mount and easily hang on the wall.

Products (Total Items: 10)
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 Big Style Wall Shrine Big
4-6 weeks
 Wall Niche Shelf Small
4-6 weeks
Brick Style Wall Shrine Small
4-6 weeks
Greek Wall Niche
4-6 weeks
Greek Wall Niche Shelf
4-6 weeks
Large  Wall Shrine
4-6 weeks
Large Wall Bracket Shelf
4-6 weeks
Large Wall Niche with Shelf
4-6 Weeks
Shell Wall Niche
4-6 weeks
Tall Narrow Wall Niche
4-6 weeks