Returns and Damaged Items Policy
We work with several different suppliers. and each of them has their own return policy. If you receive any damaged item we need to be notified with in 48 hrs of your receiving the item so we can notify our supplier and get you a replacement piece.
In most cases, our suppliers require a photograph or two showing the damage to the piece before they can send you a new one. In most cases they will send you a Call Tag (a UPS or FedEx sticker), that you stick on the box of the broken piece. It can then be returned to the manufacturer for proper replacement of the piece.
It is important that if you receive a broken piece that you hang onto the original box and packing materials so it can be properly packed and returned. The Call Tags are no charge to you, that is, the manufacturer will pick up the cost of returning the item. If a piece comes to you by truck line, it is important you check the piece over before it is unloaded. If it broken, you simply refuse to accept the item and it will go back to the manufacturer for a replacement.
If you receive an item that is the wrong item or color the process is still the same, with them sending you a Call Tag for a replacement. However if you receive a piece you simply don’t like, wrong shade of color, to big, to small etc., the manufacturer may charge a restocking fee. Most restocking fees are around 20%. There is no credit on these types of items, either to or from the manufacturer.
We do our best to make sure you are pleased with your product and will work with you correct any problems that might arise. We also take pride in the manufacturers we work with, to have high quality products. We provide our custom finishes pages to show you, up close, the product finish so you know what you are getting when you order. If you have any problems or questions please feel free to contact us at 402-560-4985 or [email protected]